Free Cartoon Octopus Clip Art Vector Giveaway
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, whatever time you’re reading this. Wherever you are. Guess what… I’ve finally uploaded another piece of free vector artwork. This time it’s a FREE cartoon octopus clip art vector. You may or may not have previously seen the free cartoon dog vector I uploaded last year. It has been a while since my last post, but these will coming in thicker and faster now I have a ton of free vector artwork to give away.
So, to the left is a preview of the free octopus cartoon vector. Can it be counted as clip art too? Yes, yes it can. Why? no idea!… Don’t know the exact definition of clip-art without Googling it.
I like giving away free stuff. Mainly as it helps drive traffic to my site. Plus I’m so, so giving. I just give give give. It’s all I ever feel like I’m doing actually. Giving.
Well if you like my free octopus vector I’m giving away and appreciate it, please ‘thank’ me by liking my Facebook page and spreading the word 🙂
Here is the hi-res transparent png octopus cartoon. (right click that link and ‘open in new tab’ in order to save it)
Important: Please note that these are free for personal use only. If you wish to use these commercially, then contact me.
[purchase_link id=”1071″ style=”” color=”” text=”Testing Link”]

Finally, as promised.. here is the link to the free octopus cartoon vector file…